How to Know You Have Been Born Again


Practise I really have to be born again to get to heaven?

Past Dr. Ron Tardif (D.Div. C.C.)

Have you had enough of people's opinions on how to go to heaven? I have. All I want to know are the facts. I often say, "people'south opinions are like onions...they all stink."

There are lots of different teachings out there on how to get to heaven, that is, if in that location is a heaven, and if we autumn into the elite group of folk who Tin go there from hither. Some religions say that everybody is going there (I hear this a lot at funerals). Some say there is no such place as heaven. And others say simply 144,000 are going to make it. So what'south the deal? Is information technology possible for me to earn my style in? And if then, what must I DO to get "saved"?

I happen to believe in the Bible. I don't say this lightheartedly. I have spent years scrutinizing the Bible to run into if information technology is for real. I have come to the decision, after MANY years of scrutinizing, that indeed, information technology is the inspired Word of God. I respect a lot of people'due south opinions, only on a topic like this, a topic that determines for eternity where I will possibly spend it? I would like more than than a highly respected person's stance. So — I ask — what does the Bible say virtually it?

First of all, the Bible is quite articulate that you can't get into sky on your own no affair what y'all exercise or don't exercise. You are simply similar me — a sinner (Romans 3:23). Sinners are doomed, co-ordinate to the Bible, for eternity, to an everlasting hell — that is, the majority of sinners (Romans half dozen:23). This would include Atheists (which may not surprise you lot) and also a whole lot of "Christians" (which may surprise you). There is Ane, yeah, only i, type of sinner who can go to heaven — once more, according to the Bible. That specific sinner is a person who trusts solely in the finished work of Calvary, past Jesus Christ, and non by head knowledge, only by heart knowledge (Romans v:eight). Allow me to explicate.

I am a counselor, a Biblical counselor. Folk usually come to me with their bug, thinking they are beyond solving bug on their own, and need exterior Biblical advice. They assume that this problem they are having, whether marital, or with a teenager, or life itself, is their biggest problem. Through the interview process, I often find that they are not Born Again Christians, heading to heaven. And so, no matter what their temporary problem here on globe is that they are finding overwhelming, their biggest problem is not a relationship with another individual, or with themselves. No, their biggest trouble is that they don't have a personal human relationship with God Himself! No thing what your problem in life is, if you lot are heading to hell for eternity — yes, ETERNITY in hell — and you aren't getting forth with your spouse or your child or co-worker or neighbor, the bigger of the two problems yous are entertaining is your event with an Almighty God! In fact, co-ordinate to the 10 Commandments, until your relationship with God is in order, every other issue in your life volition be upside downward, heading even deeper down. This is good news. What? Aye. One time y'all know what your biggest issues are, AND that at that place is something that Yous tin do about it, so the conclusion is simple, AND possible. It'southward up to you. One time you ready your priorities in order, putting God first, putting your salvation in Jesus' Hands commencement, EVERYTHING else volition fall into place. That'south a promise from the Bible (Matthew 6:33).

To sympathise more about condign a Born Over again Christian, go to this link.
To find out more nigh your priorities and what they NEED to be in order to stay out of trouble, go to this link.

In counseling, folk come up and tell me a story about their lives, and how their "garage" (for illustration purposes but, this would exist why they came for counseling) is on fire and need my assist to put out the fire. In the interview process, I discover that their "firm" (their problematic human relationship with God) is also on burn, and they don't even realize it. It's my job equally a counselor to help them run into their priorities are out of order, and straight them to put the water hose on the house burn down FIRST. Every bit hard equally it may seem for some to believe, I actually have some counselees that KNOW that they are not Born Over again (that their firm is on burn) and want me to merely, for the moment, direct my attending to the "garage" burn. I tell you, I am not congenital like that. The Almighty made me to prioritize my issues in life and become afterward the biggest problem FIRST!

Hopefully you lot are still with me, at the logic of this blog, and are wondering, "Is being Born Again the only way to heaven?" I can tell you emphatically, the Biblical answer is a resounding Aye! According to the Bible, it is the Only style a person can go into sky. And, just in case someone out at that place happens to recollect that they can earn their style into heaven another manner? The Bible is clear on that as well, saying that you cannot earn your fashion in as that would be a manner for you to be "working" on getting in (Titus 3:v). And then and so you may ask, is Jesus the Only manner into heaven, co-ordinate to the Bible of course? The answer to that is as well a resounding YES! John fourteen:6

I hope you are now asking, what must I do to get saved? Or, what must I practise to get a Born Once again Christian? And will it really matter and make a difference in my life? Here is some other link that will help you understand this.

Finally, allow me to tell you a Bible story. There was a high-ranking spiritual Jewish leader named Nicodemus. He came to Jesus at nighttime (no one knows why he came at dark) to ask Him a question. Jesus, knowing that his "firm" was on fire, didn't wait for Nicodemus to even ask his question of what to do about his "garage" that was on burn, and tells him that he needs to be Born Again or he will Not be able to enter into heaven. You can read this Biblical account in John 3:1-eighteen. If this was truthful for Nicodemus, it's besides true for you and me.

Bottom line: no matter who you are, or what your title is, or what you've accomplished in this life, OR even what sins you have committed in this life, unless yous are Born Once again, the Bible conspicuously tells usa that we tin't get into heaven. Period. This is the near critical lesson a person must get right in this life, in order to make whatever forward progress with their relationships with God, and with human. Think, Jesus said to Nicodemus, Iii TIMES, "Nicodemus, you must be built-in again or you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven" (John 3:3, five, seven).

Image Credit: Unsplash; untitled; Artistic Eatables

Tags:  Biblical-Salvation  | Biblical-Truth  | Controversial-Issues  | Eternity-Forever  | Jesus-Christ  | Witnessing-Evangelism

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Published v-30-17


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